Two weeks before semester break i was working with three others student to summit our 24 degress roof pitch drawing first. in order to do build a roof we have to draw it first and calculate lenghts etc
What was meant to happen ?
The roof drawing and building it need to be done in three weeks max according to the tutors time table.
What did happen ?
as turn up some of our team member turn up late sometime or not turning up like including me as well>...... not only for the drawing session but even for the building it.
Why did it Happen?
lack of our communication between us and others. no team work around us just turn up when ever they want. unhappy about how others do things?
What we do to fix it.?
one day we all sit down as a group an talk about it as it turn up only 3 people always do the job while the other team member getting free points on it ... so we solved the pro;blem and try to finish our job on time